Create Vocabulary with Google Spreadsheets

<aside> 💡 When you want to register many words at once, you can create a CSV file of the words on your PC and send it to the app.


  1. Click on the link to access Google Spreadsheets.

  2. (If you do not have a CSV file, go to step 3.) If you have a CSV file, click FileOpenUploadChoose file from device to upload the file as shown in the image below.

  3. Enter the field name in the first row. Then, just enter the value corresponding to the field.

    <aside> 🐱 Please be sure to specify the field in the first line, as the app will not recognize it if you do not.

    <aside> 🐱 Please check the example in the link.



    <aside> 🐱 For Multiple input items, comma(,) is used as a separator between input values by default, but other symbols can be used.


How to Load in App

Method 1) Load as CSV File

  1. When you're done editing, choose FileDownloadsComma-separated values (.csv, current sheet) to save as CSV.

  2. Please refer to the link below for information on how to load CSV files into the app.

    CSV Export & Import

Method 2) Import using Google Spreadsheets

<aside> 💡 This is a feature supported in versions 4.1.0 and above.


  1. Vocabulary ManagementLoad Vocabulary → Select Import from Google Spreadsheet


  2. After logging in with your Google account, please allow Google Drive and Google Sheets permissions. (Permission is required to load Google Sheets files and content.)

    The first permission is related to Google data synchronization and has nothing to do with Google Spreadsheet access permission.

    The first permission is related to Google data synchronization and has nothing to do with Google Spreadsheet access permission.

  3. You can create a vocabulary book by selecting a spreadsheet file.

    <aside> 💡 It can only be loaded if the spreadsheet file format is correct.

